Will there be a designated smoking area in the building?

The availability of a designated smoking area in a building can vary depending on the specific building and local regulations in London. In general, smoking is not allowed in common areas of buildings, such as hallways, elevators, and lobbies.

Some buildings may have designated smoking areas outside of the building, such as a patio or outdoor seating area. However, in recent years there has been an increasing trend towards prohibiting smoking on building premises altogether, due to health and safety concerns and the potential for second-hand smoke to impact other residents.

If you are a smoker and are concerned about the availability of smoking areas in a building, it is important to check with the landlord or property management company to understand their policies regarding smoking on the premises. Some buildings may have strict no-smoking policies, while others may have designated smoking areas or may allow smoking in individual apartments.

It is important to note that smoking can have negative impacts on health and the environment, and many individuals and organizations are advocating for smoke-free environments in buildings and public spaces. If you are a smoker, you may want to consider options such as nicotine replacement therapy or other smoking cessation programs to help reduce the impacts of smoking on your health and the environment.


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