Rental Properties London

What is the process for renewing a tenancy agreement in London?

Renewing a tenancy agreement in the UK typically involves the following steps: Discuss renewal with the tenant: Before the end of the tenancy agreement, discuss with the tenant whether they would like to renew the tenancy or move out. If the tenant would like to renew, you can begin the renewal process. Negotiate new terms: If both parties agree to renew the tenancy, negotiate new terms for the...

How do I handle maintenance and repairs for a rental property in London?

As a landlord in the UK, you are responsible for ensuring that your rental property is maintained in a safe and habitable condition. Here are some steps you can take to handle maintenance and repairs for your rental property: Conduct regular inspections: Conduct regular inspections of your rental property to identify any maintenance or repair issues. This can help you identify issues before they...

How do I set the rental price for a property in London?

Setting the rental price for a property in the UK can depend on several factors such as the location, property type, size, condition, and local rental market. Here are some general steps to follow when setting the rental price for your property: Research the local rental market: Look at similar properties in your area that are currently available for rent or have recently been let. You can check...

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