What is the policy on subletting or subleasing an apartment in london?

The policy on subletting or subleasing an apartment in London can vary depending on the landlord or management company. Some landlords may allow subletting or subleasing, but only with their prior written consent. Others may not permit subletting or subleasing at all.

If subletting or subleasing is allowed, there may be certain conditions and requirements that need to be met. For example, the subtenant may need to undergo a credit check or provide references, and the original tenant may need to obtain approval for the subletting arrangement from the landlord.

It’s important to carefully review the terms of the lease agreement and any addendums related to subletting or subleasing before proceeding with such an arrangement. Violating the terms of the lease agreement by subletting or subleasing without permission could result in legal consequences and potentially even eviction.

Additionally, it’s important to note that the original tenant is still ultimately responsible for ensuring that the rent is paid on time and that any damages or issues with the apartment are addressed, even if they are caused by the subtenant. Therefore, it’s important to carefully consider the risks and benefits of subletting or subleasing before making any decisions.

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